Original papers based on any research / PhD thesis / MPhil dissertation and such others are invited from Library and Information Science professionals for the first issue of Indian Journal of Information Science. Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form, or be under consideration for publication with another journal. The first issue of the Indian Journal of Information Science will be published by the LIS Links ( http://lislinks.com) and it will carry ISSN.
The first issue will emphasize on the following theme
a) Social networking
b) Discussion forum
c) Discussion group
d) Mailing list
e) Blogging
f) Wiki
g) RSS
h) Library 2.0
i) Web 2.0, etc
Author’s Guideline
a) Format of Paper: Kindly download the Format of a paper (View Download).
c) Paper as Email Attachment: Kindly send your paper as a single MS Word document including text, tables and figures as email attachment to editorinchief@indianjis.com. The total length of the paper should not normally exceed 5000 words. All pages should be without page number, header Text and footer text. Kindly use Times New Roman, 12 font size only.
Last date of submission: 10/6/2012
Intimation to the author: 20/6/2012
Flow of Article at INDIANJIS: The article at "Indian Journal of Information Science (INDIANJIS) (www.indianjis.com) goes through the following steps
a) Submission of the article by the author
b) Primary review by the chief editor
c) Check for plagiarism by using any standard software package
d) Double blind review
e) Editing by content editor
f) Editing by language editor
g) Sending the article to the author for consent
h) Receiving the consent from the author
i) After clarification (if any)/modification (if any) paper will be accepted for publication
Paper Acceptance: All submissions will be peer-reviewed using criteria of originality, accuracy and quality of contribution in the field. The final decision for publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief upon recommendation of Editorial Board Members. Authors will be communicated about the status of their papers after twenty days. On acceptance, one printed copy of the issue will be sent to the first / corresponding author for free. Further copies can be obtained on payment.