Tuesday, September 4, 2012

3rd International English Language Teacher Educator Conference, Hyderabad – call for papers

The British Council, EFL – U (English and Foreign Languages University), ELTAI (the English Language Teachers’ Association of India) and IATEFL (the International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) have come together again to host the 3rd International English Language Teacher Educator Conference. This conference will be held in Hyderabad from 16 – 18 March 2013 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre. 
Speakers are invited to email their proposals to speak on the theme 'English Language Teacher Education in a Diverse Environment’ and it’s sub themes.
Speakers must email their proposals to teconference@britishcouncil.org by 29 September 2012. See this conference flyer for more details or visit the www.britishcouncil.org.in website.
Registration for the conference opened on 20 August 2012.

3rd International English Language Teacher Educator Conference, Hyderabad – call for papers

The British Council, EFL – U (English and Foreign Languages University), ELTAI (the English Language Teachers’ Association of India) and IATEFL (the International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) have come together again to host the 3rd International English Language Teacher Educator Conference. This conference will be held in Hyderabad from 16 – 18 March 2013 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre. 
Speakers are invited to email their proposals to speak on the theme 'English Language Teacher Education in a Diverse Environment’ and it’s sub themes.
Speakers must email their proposals to teconference@britishcouncil.org by 29 September 2012. See this conference flyer for more details or visit the www.britishcouncil.org.in website.
Registration for the conference opened on 20 August 2012.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Call for Paper : IJAAI-Submit your article for fast track publication (5 best articles will be exempted from publication fee)

“We Ensure Speedy Processing, Publication and Promotion of Quality Work"

Indian Journal of Automation and Artificial Intelligence 

Submit your article for fast track publication
(best articles will be exempted from publication fee)

Dear Author,
             This is an invitation for you to submit article for publication in monthly Published open access International Journal entitled, Indian Journal of Automation and Artificial Intelligence (IJAAI).

We ensure speedy publication of original research articles, reviews, case studies, conference reports, technology and management reports relevant to the Automation and Artificial Intelligence field. All articles published in IJAAI are rigorously peer-reviewed. Being an open access journal all of its articles will be freely accessed by any one.

Indian Journal of Automation and Artificial Intelligence first issue will be by August, 2012.
The Submission Fee has been kept very nominal so that it could not be a limiting factor while publishing quality articles.

    If you have any query please feel free to contact us. http://www.iseeadyar.org/ijaai.html

    We look forward to hearing from you.
    Thanks and Best Regards,
    Editorial Team
    Indian journal of   Automation and Artificial Intelligence

The following journals are also published by iSee as open access on fast track: 

Indian Journal of Science and Technology (http://www.indjst.org)

Indian Journal of Innovations and Developments (http://www.iseeadyar.org/ijid.htm)  

Indian Journal of Education and Information Management (http://www.iseeadyar.org/ijeim.html)         

Indian Journal of Drugs and Diseases (http://www.iseeadyar.org/ijdad.html)

Indian Journal of Medicine and Healthcare  (http://www.iseeadyar.org/ijmhc.html)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Proposal to Publish New Books / Journals

Dear Author,

We take this opportunity to attract your kind and immediate attention towards the fact that we have taken an initiative to  bring out new books on various subjects. You are hereby requested to spare a bit of your valuable time to find below the details of our book publication services to our authors and invite proposal of new books/journals.

We are always looking for authors and institutes who are interesting to  publish their books, monographs, conference and proceedings, starting new Journals/ E-Journals. We ensure that your work reaches the highest success. Since we are a privately owned publisher, we have the luxury of devoting more time and effort into cultivating publishing relationships. You'll find working with us is much different than working with a large "big-publisher". Our commitment to service and personal attention ensures that you'll be an active participant in key publishing decisions and that we'll be responsive to your publishing needs.

We strongly believe in being in close contact with all our authors on the production, promotion and distribution of their books. Maintaining high academic and production standards is our priority. Manuscripts received would be thoroughly assessed for their viability across the globe. We intend to inform the authors ASAP on the acceptance or rejection of their works.

At  Research India Publications we take extra measures to ensure that our product is at par with the International standards Professional type setters are engaged to bring about the best of results. Our production staff extends all the assistance to the authors during the production process. The print run of a book depends on a lot of factors like the audience, shelf-life of the book, etc. An ISBN is allotted to all our publications.
Our journals/ books are at the forefront of knowledge and often break new ground in research. As an independent publisher, we are more willing to take risks by publishing in emerging disciplines. We remain dedicated to publishing journals that are at the forefront of their respective fields and that spark academic debate.

In addition to editorial and production teams that maintain a rigorous schedule and standard of quality, the marketing department is actively involved, developing and implementing innovative sales strategies that meet the rapidly changing demands of its customers.  Research India Publications gives every author and editor attention of the highest caliber. The successful integration of editorial, production, and marketing efforts ensures the distinction and strength of our publishing operations.

Our authors receive an all round publishing service of the highest quality. A Production Editor and a Marketing Manager are assigned to handle each author and are always available for queries and feedback. Our Production Editors emphasize, from receipt of manuscript through to publication, professionalism and attention to detail throughout, and provide one of the most efficient services in academic publishing.

Known for our marketing expertise, we use a multichannel marketing strategy. With an emphasis on targeted direct-mail campaigns, our marketing team works to make sure that your journals/ books will achieve maximum visibility to the appropriate audiences. Since we are a one the leading international distribution company, you'll have the advantage of international marketing efforts. In addition, we emphasize marketing across disciplines. Along with direct mail efforts, email and telemarketing campaigns add to our successful marketing formula .
Please visit our company website at  http://www.ripublication.com  for more information about our journals, services and subscription.
Don't forget to indicate what type of publication and subject area you are proposing (i.e. edited book, authored book, handbook, encyclopedia, journal, etc.). 
Please send all Inquiries and Proposals to:

Viveka Nand
Manager (Publication Department) 
------------------------------ ----------
Research India Publications
B-2/84, Ground Floor,
Rohini Sector-16
Delhi-110089 INDIA

Friday, June 22, 2012

International Journals. (Peer Review and fast publication)

We are very pleased to invite you to submit manuscripts of your original paper, for possible publication in ourinternational journals on Engineering (covering all fields), Agriculture & Biotechnology, Computer Science & IT, Electric & Electronics, Finance and Management, Environmental & Earth Science, Science & Technology, Mathematics, Social Science  as per of your area of interest and research. Our all journals are peer-reviewedperiodical dedicated to the proliferation and dissemination of scholarly research results. We also like to invite you to visit our website at www.ripublication.com for more information about our journals, services and subscription. Our all journals are available in print as well as online. 

Our all journals are abstracted and indexed in International Societies like EBSCO's Database, Cambridge Science Abstract, Chemical Abstract Society, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, SCOPUS, EMBiology, INSPEC, ACM Computing Reviews, ACM Guide to Computing Literature, DBLP, Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH, Journal Seek, Thomson Gale, Google Scholar and more...

The benefits of publishing in our journals include:
. Fast publication times: your paper will appear online as soon as it is ready, in advance of print version (review time of paper is 3-4 weeks)
. Excellent editorial standards
. Full electronic submission in any format
. Receive free online access of journals for one year
. A rigorous, fast and constructive peer review process
. All abstracts and full text available free online to all main universities/institutions worldwide for promotion to the widest possible audience..

Submission: Only original research papers will be considered. Authors are requested to submit their papers (preferably Word or PDF file format) through email at submit@ripublication.com 
Review and Publication Process: It will take about 3-4 weeks for review of papers. The editorial team will inform to author about review result as early as possible. After acceptance of paper, paper will be publishing in current issue of journal. Most of our journals are monthly or bimonthly so it means after acceptance of your paper, your paper will be publishing in a month time.

Join as Editorial Board/ Reviewer: If you like to join as editorial board member/reviewer of our journals, please send you resume to info@ripublication.com

We shall be glad to receive your technical contributions at your earliest convenience. Please publicize these journals amongst your colleagues for possible contribution and subscription.  If you find any difficulty / queries, please feel free to contact us by phone, fax or email  submit@ripublication.com

Proposal to Publish New Books / Journals
We are always looking for authors and institutes who are interesting to publish their books, monographs, conference and proceedings/special issues of journal, starting new Journals or co-publishing of existing journals. We ensure that your work reaches the highest success. Since we are a privately owned publisher, we have the luxury of devoting more time and effort into cultivating publishing relationships. We strongly believe in being in close contact  with all our authors on the production, promotion and distribution of their books/Journals. Maintaining high academic and production standards is our priority. We recognize that authors, institutes and societies are increasingly seeking to reach a global audience and we are in a position to help support meeting that object. Please send all inquiries and proposals by email to: proposal@ripublication.com

With kind regards,

Viveka Nand
Publication Department
Research India Publications 
B-2/84, Ground Floor, 
Rohini Sector-16
Delhi-110089 INDIA

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Call for Papers: Indian Journal of Information Science (INDIANJIS)

Original papers based on any research / PhD thesis / MPhil dissertation and such others are invited from Library and Information Science professionals for the first issue of Indian Journal of Information Science. Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form, or be under consideration for publication with another journal. The first issue of the Indian Journal of Information Science will be published by the LIS Links (http://lislinks.com) and it will carry ISSN.
The first issue will emphasize on the following theme
a) Social networking
b) Discussion forum
c) Discussion group
d) Mailing list
e) Blogging
f) Wiki
g) RSS
h) Library 2.0
i) Web 2.0, etc

Author’s Guideline
a) Format of Paper: Kindly download the Format of a paper (View Download). 
b) Citation Style: Authors are kindly requested to follow APA citation style strictly.
c) Paper as Email Attachment: Kindly send your paper as a single MS Word document including text, tables and figures as email attachment to editorinchief@indianjis.com. The total length of the paper should not normally exceed 5000 words. All pages should be without page number, header Text and footer text. Kindly use Times New Roman, 12 font size only.
Last date of submission: 10/6/2012
Intimation to the author: 20/6/2012

Flow of Article at INDIANJIS: The article at "Indian Journal of Information Science (INDIANJIS) (www.indianjis.com) goes through the following steps
a) Submission of the article by the author
b) Primary review by the chief editor
c) Check for plagiarism by using any standard software package
d) Double blind review
e) Editing by content editor
f) Editing by language editor
g) Sending the article to the author for consent
h) Receiving the consent from the author
i) After clarification (if any)/modification (if any) paper will be accepted for publication

Paper Acceptance: All submissions will be peer-reviewed using criteria of originality, accuracy and quality of contribution in the field. The final decision for publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief upon recommendation of Editorial Board Members. Authors will be communicated about the status of their papers after twenty days. On acceptance, one printed copy of the issue will be sent to the first / corresponding author for free. Further copies can be obtained on payment.
Visit Library and Information Science Links: LIS Links at: http://lislinks.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Call for Paper’s-Academic Research Press (India)

We would like to invite you to submit quality Research  Papers to by e-mail: editor.arjindia@gmail.com;  or online submission systems for the our following  journals.

1.International Journal of Industrial Application of Soft Computing Techinques (IJIASCT)
2. Global Journal of Accounting and Economy Research (GJAER)
3. Global Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (GJEAS)
4. International Journal of Advance Computing and Networks
5. International Journal of Advances in Civil Engineerng and Architecture
6. International Journal of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
7. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications
8. International journal of Communication Systems and Information Security (IJCSIS)
9. International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing
10.International Journal of Decision Making in Manufacturing
11.International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Communication Engienering for Applied Research
12.International Journal of Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Researches
13. International Journal of Fluid Mechanics and Applications
14.International Journal of Forming and Joining of Materials (IJFJM
15.International Journal of Intelligent Signal Processing and Image Analysis
16. International Journal of Materials, Manufacturing and Design (IJMMD)
17.International Journal of Modeling & Simulation in Science and Engineering
18.International Journal of Operations Management (IJOM)
19.International Journal of Pharmaceutical Engineering (IJPE)
20.International Journal of Sustainable Energy Systems
21.International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing
22.Journal of Global Socio-Economic Research
23. Micro and Nano Sensing: an International Journal

Please visit our web site: www.academicresearchjournals.com and submit papers for Academic Research journals. All Paper published in open access journals.

We shall appreciate your contribution for the journals.

Thanks and looking for your kind response.

Yours Sincerely,
for Academic Research Journal

Editorial Department
Academic Research Journals (India)
1935, Sector 23
GURGAON (Haryana)
editor.arjindia@gmail.com;  www.academicresearchjournals.com 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

International Journal of Computer Applications

Call for Paper - March Edition
IJCA solicits original research papers for the March Edition of IJCA. Last date of manuscript submission is February 20, 2012.