Saturday, April 28, 2012

Call for Paper’s-Academic Research Press (India)

We would like to invite you to submit quality Research  Papers to by e-mail:;  or online submission systems for the our following  journals.

1.International Journal of Industrial Application of Soft Computing Techinques (IJIASCT)
2. Global Journal of Accounting and Economy Research (GJAER)
3. Global Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (GJEAS)
4. International Journal of Advance Computing and Networks
5. International Journal of Advances in Civil Engineerng and Architecture
6. International Journal of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
7. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications
8. International journal of Communication Systems and Information Security (IJCSIS)
9. International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing
10.International Journal of Decision Making in Manufacturing
11.International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Communication Engienering for Applied Research
12.International Journal of Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Researches
13. International Journal of Fluid Mechanics and Applications
14.International Journal of Forming and Joining of Materials (IJFJM
15.International Journal of Intelligent Signal Processing and Image Analysis
16. International Journal of Materials, Manufacturing and Design (IJMMD)
17.International Journal of Modeling & Simulation in Science and Engineering
18.International Journal of Operations Management (IJOM)
19.International Journal of Pharmaceutical Engineering (IJPE)
20.International Journal of Sustainable Energy Systems
21.International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing
22.Journal of Global Socio-Economic Research
23. Micro and Nano Sensing: an International Journal

Please visit our web site: and submit papers for Academic Research journals. All Paper published in open access journals.

We shall appreciate your contribution for the journals.

Thanks and looking for your kind response.

Yours Sincerely,
for Academic Research Journal

Editorial Department
Academic Research Journals (India)
1935, Sector 23
GURGAON (Haryana)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. thank u

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